B L S    Summer Timetable
Summer 2003

I am unaware of any major changes expected to take place this Winter
to PS Lötschberg
( a major re-build took place during winter 2000-01)

In these circumstances, it is expected the paddle steamer will again remain based at Interlaken and operate a similar roster to 2002

(ie - two round trips from Interlaken to Brienz at approx 1130 and 1430)

However, timetabled sailings will start one month later than 2002 on
Sunday 25th May 2003
and run every Sunday until 21st September 2003

Weekday sailings are advertised to run daily between Monday 23rd June
and Saturday 6th September 2003

The above should be augmented by the usual selection of
special evening cruises

If YOU can confirm or have any further information, please e-mail me
and I will update this page for the benefit of other visitors

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 26th November 2002    (c)1999-2002 John B Bird

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