PS Concordia

N L C    Summer Timetable
Summer 2003

I am unaware of any major changes expected to take place this Winter
to either PS Concordia or PS Patria

The usual general "after-season" refit, including some further internal work is expected to the operational PS Concordia
whereas, sadly, no work will take place to the PS Patria
which now remains laid-up for over a decade

In these circumstances, it is expected the paddle steamer will again operate similar sailings to 2002, most of which were on a non-advertised basis
except for sailings 20-45 on Thursdays in July and August

It can only be hoped that following the success of operating full-length sailings 10-47 on Sundays and Holidays during the latter half of 2002,
(vice the smaller ex-paddle steamer mv Milano)
these will become a regular feature throughout the whole of 2003

If YOU can confirm or have any further information, please e-mail me
and I will update this page for the benefit of other visitors

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 6th December 2002    (c)2002 John B Bird

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