N L G    Summer Timetable
Summer 2003

I am unaware of any major changes expected to take place this Winter
to either MPV Italia or MPV G Zanardelli

In these circumstances, it is expected both motor paddle vessels will
again remain based at the Southern end of the lake and normally operate
short timetabled sailings instead of smaller motor vessels during the
peak-season similar to Summer 2002

(ie - starting from Peschiera and Desenzano respectively)
on a non-advertised basis

If YOU can confirm or have any further information, please e-mail me
and I will update this page for the benefit of other visitors

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 27th November 2002    (c)2001-2002 John B Bird

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