PS Neuchâtel

PS Neuchatel paddle box  +  Ludwig Fessler steam engine
What do you get if you add these together ?
A fully operational wood burning paddle steamer
able to sail on three Swiss lakes !


Special Steam Train from Basel to Yverdon and return
on Saturday 12th February 2005
(also conveying the Maffei paddle steamer engine on the
final part of her journey from Rotterdam to Lake Neuchâtel

click here for details

At a press conference on Thursday 1st July 2004
the Trivapor organisation
announced it had acquired the original Maffei steam engine
from PS Ludwig Fessler (Lake Chiemsee, Bavaria, Germany)
which was replaced with a diesel-hydraulic engine in 1973

It is currently located in Rotterdam and Trivapor plan to
bring it to Switzerland and install it in the former
PS Neuchâtel which has been
out of operational service since 1969

By October, the appeal to raise money for the purchase
of the engine had reached 100,000SF
but more is still needed if the target is to be reached
by next January
when it is hoped to move it to Switzerland

Click here for a new interesting article
(in French)
by Andrew Thompson
about the builder
Maffei of Munich
english version
Click here to find the latest official news
(in French) about this exciting project
The influencial committee from the four cantons involved, with your help, could see an operational paddle steamer in service on the Jura lakes as early as 2007


                            Photo: William M. Worden

"Trivapor" are inviting members of the public to subscribe 1926 SF to become members of the Club 1926 - the year the engine was built !
further information on the official site

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 26th November 2004   e-mail   (c)2004 John B Bird