paddle steamer

N L G    Summer Timetable
Advance Information - Summer 2020

There is no reference to either of the two
motor paddle vessesl
in the official timetables

MPV G Zanardelli undertook a major re-build throughout 2018 and 2019 and is now expected to again be based at Riva during the peak summer and operate timetabled sailings to Limone and Malcesine similar to those operated by her sister MPV Italia in 2019

In consequence MPV Italia should return to her traditional base at Peschiera - she is again expected to mainly operate private charter sailings but may again cover for a smaller motor vessel on busy days in the peak-summer (usually only at weekend) during fine weather when larger crowds are expected

As usual,  timetabled sailings will be replaced by an ordinary motor vessel if MPV G Zanardelli has a private charter or is required to step-in and cover one of the long-distance rosters

post-Cornavirus Update
Despite the NLG initially saying ".....unfortunately both Zanardelli and Italia, probably will not be in service this season" - they subsequenlty arranged three "Open Day Fridays" at Peschiera to be followed by a short season of "special" Saturday afternoon sailings during August by MPV G Zanardelli only

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Can you help?

Garda Como Maggiore Konstanz Brienz Geneva Luzern Thun Zurich 2nd August 2020   e-mail   (c)2020 John B Bird