C G N    Summer Timetable
Advance Information 2020

The official CGN timetables on their website show 2020 Timetabled sailings by the four operational steam paddle steamers and the two operational motor paddle vessels to be virtually unaltered from the
2019 Timetabled sailings - albeit with some minor re-timings at the Geneva end of the lake

However,   there is considerable doubt about "MPV Italie" being
ready for service by Easter - it is now expected her spring sailings from Le Bouveret round the Upper Lake will have to be covered by her sister "MPV Vevey" following her winter session based at Geneva

There will also be the usual selection of "Special" sailings

PS Rhône remains off service all summer undertaking a major re-build but may actually sail towards the end of the year
('test' runs if not public sailings - although the latter is not completely ruled out) as she is being fitted with winter equipment being earmarked for 'longer' seasons in the future

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 11th January 2020   e-mail   (c)2020 John B Bird