photo: Nadia Jöhr 

Dampfschiff Greif    Summer Timetable
Advance Information 2021

Owing to the size of the steamship - which made 'Social Distancing' impossible
- she was unable to sail at all during 2020 (ironically her centenary year)

If the Coronavirus situation improves and she is able to sail,  it is expected she
will operate some public sailings similar to 2019

In addition,  she was planned to be hauled overland to Lake Zurich
to take part in the "50 years celebrations" - an event which has been
postponed until 2021 - at the moment the outline plan is for 2021 to be as
originally planned (still included an appearance by the steamship)

The following message appears on the official website.....
"Due to COVID-19,  the implementation is still uncertain"

Futher information will be added to the Lake Greif Index Page when available

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Updated - Lakes Greif Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Neuchatel, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 10th January 2021   e-mail   (c)2021 John B Bird