paddle steamer

N L G    Summer Timetable
Advance Information - Summer 2009

There is no reference to any
motor paddle vessesl
in the official timetables but it is expected that they will again be in service during the
2009 Spring and Summer Timetable periods
on a non-advertised basis

Traditionally they operate on a non-advertised basis vice smaller motor vessels at the southern end of the lake although it is quite possible that MPV Italia will again make the occasional full-length return sailing
to Riva at the northern end of the lake

Last year for the first time one motor paddle vessel entered service
early at Easter and regularly covered the full-length sailings
from Peschiera vice the regular car ferry
but ths is NOT expected to be repeated in 2009

MPV G Zanardelli only made a short appearance last year and is it understood she retired early with mechanical problems
Hopefully she had the planned attention last winter on will again return
to service during the Peak-Summer period of 2009

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Can you help?

Garda Como Maggiore Konstanz Brienz Geneva Luzern Thun Zurich 21st May 2009   e-mail   (c)2009 John B Bird