Welcome to John's..........
Swiss and Italian paddle steamer Timetables
25 YEARS --- 1999 - 2024
This is an unofficial site - always check locally before booking for any future sailing

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- used to partially offset the costs of hosting this website
If this website has not had any recent updates see the Twitter link above
There is no need to "log-in" to simply read the latest posts

Headline News   ..............  LAKE GENEVA    "MPV Vevey "  and  "MPV Italie "  are planned to operate winter Lunch Cruises from Geneva  and the main Upper Lake piers respectively tomorrow (Sunday) ....................... LAKE GENEVA    "MPV Italie "  is still covering some mid-week International 'cross-lake' Ferry Runs from Lausanne to and from Thonon-les-Bains due to the breakdown of mv Lausanne ....................... LAKE GENEVA    "MPV Vevey "  and  "MPV Italie "  are planned to operate evening Fondue Cruises from Geneva and Lausanne respectively next Friday (21st February) ....................... LAKE LUZERN    "PS Gallia "  is planned to operate the first new daily four-hour "Legends of Lake Lucerne" cruise from Luzern  on Thursday (15th May) ....................... LAKE KONSTANZ    "PS Hohentwiel "  is planned to operate an evening Dinner and Theatre Cruise from Rorschach to Bregenz on Wednesday (6th August) ....................... see below, next page, also fleet, news and individual timetable pages for further details

Thank you to everyone who has sent photos these last few weeks
Due to family commitments,  I have not had the time to upload thm all
(I am still working through a 'mountain' of emails which keeps
geting bigger whilst many "Timetable of the Day" pages are
prepared for 2025,   taking priority !!!!)

BUT please keep sending them
Wednesday - 12th January 2025

MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)
together with mv Henry-Dunant (centre)
and the re-built mv Général-Guisan (right)

                                                                                                            photos:   Alain Vuistiner

The motor paddle vessel and two old motor vessels at Lausanne covering the
international ferry runs
- as the new large ferries are still not fully operational

Sunday 8th February 2025

MPV Vevey and MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                    pictures:   Geneva and Montreux webcams

MPV Vevey departs Geneva on the outward lunch cruise and is seen passing between
the Fountain and the laid-up MPV Helvétie on sailing 330 from Geneva to Nyon
At the other end of the lake MPV Italie calls Montreux on the outward leg
of the clockwise sailing 231 lunch cruise circuit round the Upper Lake

Tuesday - 7th January 2025

MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                            photos:   Alain Vuistiner

The moror paddle vessel stands at Lausanne in breezy conditions
prior to operating the early afternoon ferry sailing 1221 to Thonon-les-Bains
and later just after leaving Lausanne on the following sailing 1225

Friday 3rd January 2025

"The summer fleet"   (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                photo:   Paul Scheuchzer

Much of the 'summer fleet' stables at the piers on the approach to the SGV
dry dock during the winter

In this photo four of the five paddle steamers can be seen accompanied by several
of the larger motor vessels as they all await the return of summer

Sunday 29th December 2024

MPV Italie   (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                            photo:   John Megoran

The motor paddle vessel stands at Le Bouveret pier priot to operating her final
Upper Lake Lunch Cruise sailing 231 of the 2024 season

Unusually from January she will step in to cover several mid-week
Internation Ferry Saailings to/from Thonon-lea-Bains

New Year's Day - Wednesday 1st January 2025

MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                    picture:   Vevey webcams

The first saiing of 2025 !!!

The motor paddle vessel calls at Vevey on sailing 231 from Le Bouveret to Lausanne

Sunday - 29th December 2024

MPV Vevey  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                    picture:   Nyon webcams

                                                                                                    photo:   Robert Monch

Despite the gloomy weather,  the motor paddle vessel departs Nyon
for the last time in 2024 on her return lunch cruise sailing 331
Later in the afternoon on arrival at Geneva after two short "Petit Lac"
cruises to/from Bellevue - which completed her 2024 season

Christmas Day - Wednesday - 25th December 2024

MPV Vevey and MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                    pictures:   Coppett and Montreux webcams

MPV Vevey departs Coppet on the outward lunch cruise sailing 330
from Geneva to Nyon
At the other end of the lake MPV Italie calls Montreux on the return leg
of the anti-clockwise circuit sailing 233 round the Uppeer Lake

Saturday - 21st December 2024

PS Uri  (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                photos:   Robert Knôpfel

On board the paddle steamer on her final sailing of 2024

Monday 17th December 2024

MPV Vevey   (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                       photo:  Robert Monch

After leaving Lausanne early morning,  the motor paddle vessel sailed 'light'
from Lausanne to Geneva for a special sailing for the inauguration of a new captain

She is then rostered to operate a lunch cruise on Sundays and public holidays
until the start of 2025

Monday to Friday - 16th to 20th December 2024

MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                            photo:   Alain Vuistiner

According to the official CGN "OGS" MPV Italie is planned to operate
the majority of the Evian-les-Bains ferry runs
- but the CGN on-line "Journey Planner" 'suggests' these sailings will now be
covered by mv Léman and the MPV will instead operate to/from Thonon-les-Bains
all this week

If you are around and see the MPV in operation on ANY sailing this week..........
please advise details to the webmaster - thank you !!!
(if necessary a revised table will be prepared)

Sunday 15th December 2024

PS Rhône   (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                       photo:  Robert Monch

                                                                                                            photo:   Robert Horlacher

                                                                                                            photo:   John Megoran

The paddle steamer returns to Geneva at the end of her last short winter
Sunday afternoon cruise sailing 740 in the Petit Lake from Geneva Mont Blanc
to and from Bellevue to bring her 2024 season to an end

Later aa dusk falls she prepares to move to Ouchy harbour the following morning
for her winter overhaul

From Sunday 22nd December MPV Vevey takes over the limited
Geneva based mid-winter sailings

At the other end of the lake,   MPV Italie operated the first winter Sunday NEW
anti-clockwise circuit of the Upper Lake and is seen arriving back at Lausanne

Sunday - 1st December 2024

PS Rhône  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                            photo:   Daniel Eichenberger

The paddle steamer approaches Bellvue on her first 'one hour' afternoon cruise
sailing 738 from Geneva

Friday 6th December 2024

MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

The motor paddle vessel stands at Lausanne priot to operating the early-evening
International Ferry sailing 1223 to Thonon-les-Bains

Her next evening outing is a special Dinner cruise from Lauasanne on New Year's Eve

Saturday 23rd Novembere 2024

PS Schiller   (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                    photo:   Nicholas Lars Carrel

The snow covered paddle steamer and her sisters wait patiently at Luzern Dock
through the long cold winter for the start of the 2025 season

Friday 6th December 2024

MPV Vevey and MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

Both motor paddle vessels stand at Lausanne ready to form International Ferry
sailings 1115 and 1217 to Evian-les-Bains and Thonon-les-Bains respectively

Sunday 1st December 2024

MPV Italie   (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                photo: Jean Vernet

The motor paddle vessel approaches Montreux on her afternoon
clockwise "circle" of the Upper Lake

From the start of the new timetable (mid-December)
this sailing will be replaced by a new extended 'anti-clockwise' circuit
including calls at Lausanne
- further details to follow shortly

Tuesday 19th November 2024

MPV Vevey  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

The motor paddle vessel approches Lausanne from Thonon-les-Bains on
International sailing 1212 prior to the storm which caused the suspension
of the remaining sailings of the day to and from Thonon

Sunday 17th November 2024

PS Rhône   (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                       photos:  Robert Monch

The paddle steamer operates her short winter Sunday afternoon cruise
sailing 738 in the Petit Lake from Geneva Mont Blanc pier to Bellevue

Wednesday 6th November 2024

MPV Vevey   (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

The motor paddle vessel contnues to cover for the shortsge of operational motor vessels
available to operate the International Ferry Sailings between Lausanne and both
Evian-les-Bains and Thonon-les-Bains

She is seen calling at Thonon-les-Bains immediately prior to returning to Switzerland
on the afternoon sailing 1214 back to Lausanne

Do you want to know what every paddle steamer in service
is expected to do on a day-by day basis throughout 2025 ?
Then click here to find out

(information is being added/updated as and when advised to me)

Please e-mail me if you are aware of any errors or updates
so they can be corrected for the benefit of other visitors to this website

ALL the latest news about the Alpine lake
paddle steamers
and their sailing schedules
(Always check locally before booking for any sailing)

Note - some pages are constantly being updated as new/amended information is supplied to me
please bookmark any page of particular interest to you and revisit for the latest position advised to me

Click here to continue
or select a page from the contents on the left
* * *   If this page loads without the "Contents Index" on the left, please click here   * * *
This site was last updated on
Saturday 15th February 2025
(normally updated most days)
You are visitor number .
to this website

(after the old counter "expired" and had to be re-set on Swiss National Day 1st August 2019 )
Thank you for your visit


Advance Information for the proposed 2025 sailings
on sone of the the Swiss and Italian Lakes
can be found by clicking here

(further information - including the Italian lakes when available - will be added as and when advised to me !!)

    BEWARE.......... !

Despite some sailings being officially advertised/planned to be operated by paddle steamers throughout the year,  there are inevitably occasions when it has
already been planned they will be replaced by a motor vessel on specific dates
(eg for private charters or special events or
or there is a breakdown, etc
Event  (if known)
Paddle steamer sailings expected to be replaced by a motor vessel or occasionally cancelled (in italics)
  Sundays 9th February to 16th March 2025 or until further notice
Lake Geneva
at Lausanne
sailing cancelled
1530 Geneva to Bellevue
1555 Bellevue to Geneva
1635 Geneva to Bellevue
1700 Bellevue to Geneva
  Saturday 17th May 2024
Lake Neuchâtel
PS Neuchâtel
Trivapor AGM ruise
1030 Neuchâtel to Portalban
1120 Portalban to Neuchâtel
1210 Neuchâtel to Portalban
1300 Portalban to Neuchâtel
1415 Neuchâtel to Portalban
1505 Portalban to Neuchâtel
1550 Neuchâtel to Portalban
1645 Portalban to Neuchâtel
1725 Neuchâtel to Portalban
1815 Portalban to Neuchâtel

Key - basic reason for changes
day to day operating
special sailing
charter sailing
re-build or test
weather and
replaced by a motor vessel
"italics" - sailing(s) CANCELLED

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to the side

Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Neuchatel, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 15th February 2025   e-mail   (c)1999-2025 John B Bird