Welcome to John's..........
Swiss and Italian paddle steamer Timetables
25 YEARS --- 1999 - 2024
This is an unofficial site - always check locally before booking for any future sailing

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases
- used to partially offset the costs of hosting this website
If this website has not had any recent updates see the Twitter link above
There is no need to "log-in" to simply read the latest posts

Headline News   ..............  LAKE GENEVA owing to the BREAKDOWN of  "mv Lausanne " --   "MPV Vevey "  is covering some winter mid-week International Ferry Sailings from Lausanne to Thonon-les-Bains until further notice ....................... LAKE GENEVA  "PS Rhône "  is planned to operate a winter Friday evening Fondue Cruise from Geneva this Friday (25th October) ....................... LAKE COMO    "PS Concordia "  is planned to operate the 0915 timetabled sailing from Como to Menaggio next Sunday (27th October) ....................... LAKE LUZERN   "PS Uri "  is planned to operate the first of several special evening Advent Cruises from Luzern on Friday (22nd November) ....................... see below, next page, also fleet, news and individual timetable pages for further details

Thank you to everyone who has sent photos these last few weeks
Due to family commitments,  I have not had the time to upload thm all
(I am working through a 'mountain' of emails which keeps
geting bigger with so many "breakdowns" taking priority !!!!)

BUT please keep sending them
Sunday 20th October 2024

PS La Suisse  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

The paddle steamer departs Evian-les-Bains on the early-afternoon sailing 1114
back to Lausanne whilst covering the International Ferry runs for the weekend

Friday 11th October 2024

PS La Suisse  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

The paddle steamer calls at Rivaz on her final sailing 205 of the day
from the Upper Lake piers back to Lausanne

Wednesday - 9th October 2024

PS Uri  (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                    picture:   Weggis webcam

The paddle steamer finally returns to service after her breakdown and operates
sailing 7 from Luzern to Flüelen
She is seen approaching Weggis with Mount Pilatus in the background
After a few more 'end of season' timetabled sailing she will remain operational
for the usual selection of special   'Advent Cruises

Sunday 6th October 2024

PS Unterwalden   (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                    picture:   Luzern webcam

                                                                                                                    photos:  Ernst Mischler

The paddle steamer initially stands at Luzern prior to operating her final sailing
of the season to Flüelen
Owing to the breakdown of sister PS Uri she operated the 0912 morning sailing 7

rather than the afternoon sailing 21 as originally planned
She is seen later returning to Luzern on sailing 18 as she passes her larger sister
PS Stadt Luzern between Treib and Gersau

Thursday 3rd October 2024

MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

The motor paddle vessel stands at Lausanne prior to operating the afternoon
ferry sailing 1113 to Evian-les-Bains whist covering the usual motor vessel

Sunday - 29th September 2024

PS Schiller  (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                            photo:   Daniel Eichenberger

The paddle steamer sets off for Flüelen on her final sailing 17 of 2024
and is seen shortly after leaving Luzern passing Altstad/Meggen

Monday 30th September 2024

PS Stadt Rapperswil   (Lake Zurich)

                                                                                                                  picture:   Zurich webcam

Passengers stand on the pier at Zurich waiting to join the paddle steamer
on her final final sailing 109 of the season to Rapperswil

Sunday 29th September 2024

PS Neuchâtel   (Lake Neuchâtel)

                                                                                                                    picture:  Morat/Murten webcam

The paddle steamer approaches Morat/Murten harbour on her final
Lunch Cruise sailing 23 of the season

Friday 27th Septembert 2024

PS Blümlisalp   (Lake Thuu)

                                                                                                                    photos:  Ernst Mischler

The paddle steamer approaches Beatenbucht of her daily outward sailing 15
from Thun to Interlaken

Tuesday 17th September 2024

PS La Suisse  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

Despite the strong wind,  the paddle steamer left Lausanne to cross the lake to St Gingolph
in the Upper Lake on her final afternoon anticlockwise sailing 204 of the day

Monday - 16th September 2024

PS Montreux  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                      picture:   Montreux webcam

The paddle steamer approaches Montreux at the end of her final outward
"evening cruise" sailing 982 of 2024 from Lausanne

Sunday - 15th September 2024

PS Gallia  (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                            photos:   Daniel Eichenberger

The paddle steamer pauses at Flüelen at the head of the lake

                                                                                                          pictures:   Weggis and Luzern webcams

The well loaded paddle steamer operated her final sailing 17 of 2024 to Flüelen
and is seen approaching Weggis at lunchtime

Later she is seen on return to Luzern at the end of sailing 26

Saturday - 14th September 2024

PS Gallia  (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                    picture:   Luzern webcam

The paddle steamer returns to Luzern at the end of the special
"Three and a Half Hour" charter cruise
to mark 111 years in service

Friday - 13th September 2024

PS Neuchâtel  (Lake Neuchâtel)

                                                                                                                picture:   Morat/Murten webcam

The paddle steamer broke down at Neuchâtel and her sailings had to be
covered by a motor vessel - seen setting off from Morat/Murten
on the "lunch cruise" sailing 613 to Faoug

Quick repairs were completed in time for the paddle sreamer to be ready
for service next day

Thursday - 12th September 2024

PS Blümlisalp  (Lake Thun)

                                                                                                                    picture:   Spiez webcam

The paddle steamer has returned to service and is seen approaching Spiez
on sailing 16 back from Interlaken to Thun

Tuesday - 10th September 2024

ex-PS  mv Milano  (Lake Como)

                                                                                                                    photo:   Carlo Sottocasa

The former paddle steamer approaches Como Pier No.3 from the dock
prior to operting sailing 14 to Varenna on Tuesday 10th September

She has recently completed a major re-build and is now being used regularly
on various Como to the mid-lake sailings

Sunday 8th September 2024

PS Gallia  (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                    picture:   Luzern webcam

The paddle steamer stands at Luzern prior to operating her last
charter sailing of 2024

As a result of the decision to use PS Gallia on a new daily "special"
non-landing "Legends of the Lake" cruise next year
(limited to just 65 passengers with inclusive full dining)..........

..........the FINAL sailings 43-44 SHOULD HAVE BEEN PS Gallia
but as there was a 'charter' - to compensate she will operate the
1212 sailing from Luzern this Sunday
(15th September)
and this is expected to be the last visit by PS Gallia to Flüelen
for probably several years

Make sure you do not miss it !!!!!

Sunday 1st September 2024

PS Uri  (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                    photo:   Robert Horlacher

The paddle steamer returns from Flüelen to Luzern on her regular
return afternoon sailing 18 and is seen in the Upper Lake near Sisikon

Sunday 1st September 2024

mv Général-Guisan   (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    picture:   Montreux webcam

The motor vessel calls at Montreux on her final sailing 900 to the head of the lake
before being withdrawn for a major re-build

Why is this included on a paddle steamer website ?

Because it means a motor paddle vessel will be in regular
mid-week use on some of the International ferry runs
from Lausanne to/fron France this winter

Saturday 31st August 2024

PS Unterwalden   (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                    photo:   Nicholas Lars Carrel

The paddle steamer sets off fron Luzern on a late afternoon charter sailing

Monday 26th August 2024

MPV Italia   (Lake Garda)

                                                                                                                    photo:   Daniel Eichenberger

The motor paddle vessel approaches Malcesine on her second
southbound sailing 73 of the day from Riva at the head of the lake

Thursday 22nd August 2024

MPV Italie  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

The motor paddle vessel sails along the Lavaux shoreline (famous for its many
grape vines for tne local winemaking industry
) between
Lanusnne and Vevey on her evening dinner cruise sailing 982 to Montreux

She is seen from PS La Suisse
returning to Lausnne

BEWARE - this evening cruise will be reolaced by a motor vessel on
Tuesday and Wednesday 26th and 27th August
- the last week of the summer season

Thursday 22nd August 2024

MPV Vevey  (Lake Geneva)

                                                                                                                    photo:  Alain Vuistiner

The motor paddle vessel approaches Vevey having crossed the lake from St Gingolph
as part of her late-afternoon clockwise 'Upper Lake Circle' cruise sailing 509

Monday 19th August 2024

PS Lotschberg   (Lake Brienz)

                                                                                                                    photos:  Ernst Mischler

The paddle steamer approaches Giessbach on her outward truncated afternoon
sailing 69 from Interlaken

Saturday 17th August 2024

PS Gallia  (Lake Luzern)

                                                                                                                    photo:   William Campbell

The paddle steamer stands at Flüelen prior to operating her return
sailing 44 back to Luzern

Friday 16th August 2024

PS Concordia   (Lake Como)

It has been "suggested" to me that the paddle steamer
had to be pressed into service to cover
for a shortage of operational motor vessels

Can YOU confirm if this did happen..........
..........and if so advise which sailings she covered ?

Do you want to know what every paddle steamer in service
is expected to do on a day-by day basis throughout 2024 ?
Then click here to find out

(information is being added/updated as and when advised to me)

Please e-mail me if you are aware of any errors or updates
so they can be corrected for the benefit of other visitors to this website

ALL the latest news about the Alpine lake
paddle steamers
and their sailing schedules
(Always check locally before booking for any sailing)

Note - some pages are constantly being updated as new/amended information is supplied to me
please bookmark any page of particular interest to you and revisit for the latest position advised to me

Click here to continue
or select a page from the contents on the left
* * *   If this page loads without the "Contents Index" on the left, please click here   * * *
This site was last updated on
Tuesday 22nd October 2024
(normally updated most days)
You are visitor number .
to this website

(after the old counter "expired" and had to be re-set on Swiss National Day 1st August 2019 )
Thank you for your visit


Advance Information for the proposed 2025 sailings
on sone of the the Swiss and Italian Lakes
can be found by clicking here

(further information - including the Italian lakes when available - will be added as and when advised to me !!)

    BEWARE.......... !

Despite some sailings being officially advertised/planned to be operated by paddle steamers throughout the year,  there are inevitably occasions when it has
already been planned they will be replaced by a motor vessel on specific dates
(eg for private charters or special events or
or there is a breakdown, etc
Event  (if known)
Paddle steamer sailings expected to be replaced by a motor vessel or occasionally cancelled (in italics)
  Good Friday and Easter Monday 29th March and 1st Aptil 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Savoie
0925 Lausanne to Evian-les-Bains
1005 Evian-les-Bains to Lausanne
1100 Lausanne to Evian-les-Bains
1145 Evian-les-Bains to Lausanne
1230 Lausanne to Villeneuve
1408 Villeneuve to Lausanne
  Easter Saturday 30th March 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Savoie
0925 Lausanne to Evian-les-Bains
1005 Evian-les-Bains to Lausanne
1100 Lausanne to Evian-les-Bains
1145 Evian-les-Bains to Lausanne
sailings canncelled
1230 Lausanne to Villeneuve
1408 Villeneuve to Lausanne
  Sundays 31st March and 7th April 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Savoie
0925 Lausanne to Evian-les-Bains
1005 Evian-les-Bains to Lausanne
1100 Lausanne to Evian-les-Bains
1145 Evian-les-Bains to Lausanne
1230 Lausanne to Villeneuve
1408 Villeneuve to Lausanne
  Saturday 20th April 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Simplon

PS La Suisse

mv Henry-Dunant
extended winter overhaul
sailings cancelled
1045 Geneva to Lausanne
1455 Lausanne to Geneva
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
0900 Lausanne to Le Bouveret
1115 Le Bouveret to Lausanne
1230 Lausanne to Vevey
1322 Vevey to Lausanne
1440 Lausanne to Le Bouveret
1546 Le Bouveret to Lausanne
  Sunday 21st April 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Simplon
PS La Suisse
mv Henry-Dunant
extended winter overhaul
sailings cancelled
1045 Geneva to Lausanne
1455 Lausanne to Geneva
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Monday 22nd April 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Simplon

PS La Suisse

mv Henry-Dunant
extended winter overhaul
1515 Geneva to Bellevue
1540 Bellevue to Geneva
1620 Geneva to Bellevue
1645 Bellevue to Geneva
1725 Geneva to Bellevue
1750 Bellevue to Geneva
sailings cancelled
1235 Geneva to Hermance
1330 Hermance to Geneva
0900 Lausanne to Le Bouveret
1115 Le Bouveret to Lausanne
1230 Lausanne to Vevey
1322 Vevey to Lausanne
1440 Lausanne to Le Bouveret
1546 Le Bouveret to Lausanne
  Tuesday to Thursday 23rd to 25th April 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Simplon

PS La Suisse
1515 Geneva to Bellevue
1540 Bellevue to Geneva
1620 Geneva to Bellevue
1645 Bellevue to Geneva
1725 Geneva to Bellevue
1750 Bellevue to Geneva
0900 Lausanne to Le Bouveret
1115 Le Bouveret to Lausanne
1230 Lausanne to Vevey
1322 Vevey to Lausanne
1440 Lausanne to Le Bouveret
1546 Le Bouveret to Lausanne
sailings cancelled
1235 Geneva to Hermance
1330 Hermance to Geneva

  Friday 26th April 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Simplon

mv Henry-Dunant
extended winter overhaul
1515 Geneva to Bellevue
1540 Bellevue to Geneva
1620 Geneva to Bellevue
1645 Bellevue to Geneva
1725 Geneva to Bellevue
1750 Bellevue to Geneva
sailings cancelled
1235 Geneva to Hermance
1330 Hermance to Geneva

  Saturdays 27th April and 4th May 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Simplon
sailings cancelled
1045 Geneva to Lausanne
1455 Lausanne to Geneva
  Sundays 28th April and 5th May 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Simplon
sailings cancelled
1045 Geneva to Lausanne
1455 Lausanne to Geneva
  Mondays to Thursday 29th April to 8th May 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Simplon
1515 Geneva to Bellevue
1540 Bellevue to Geneva
1620 Geneva to Bellevue
1645 Bellevue to Geneva
1725 Geneva to Bellevue
1750 Bellevue to Geneva
sailings cancelled
1235 Geneva to Hermance
1330 Hermance to Geneva

  Thursdays and Friday 2nd, 3rd, 16th and 17th May 2024
Lake Zurich
PS Stadt Rapperswil
no obvious reason
1320 Zurich to Rapperswil
1540 Rapperswil to Zurich
  Friday 3rd May 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Simplon

mv Henry-Dunant
extended winter overhaul
1515 Geneva to Bellevue
1540 Bellevue to Geneva
1620 Geneva to Bellevue
1645 Bellevue to Geneva
1725 Geneva to Bellevue
1750 Bellevue to Geneva
sailings cancelled
1235 Geneva to Hermance
1330 Hermance to Geneva

  Wednesdays to Sundays 9th to 26th May 2024 (inclusive)
Lake Neuchâtel
PS Neuchâtel
due to a shortage
of operational
motor vessels
The paddle steamer covers the Cudrefin 'ferry' runs
--- in consequence the advertised "Tourist" sailings
will NOT start until Wednesday 29th May
  Daily 18th May to 24th June 2024
Lake Thun
PS Blümlisalp
replacement of cracked piston
all paddle steamer sailings
  Whit Monday 20th May 2024
Lake Zurich
PS Stadt Zürich
late entering service
0920 Zurich to Rapperswil
1140 Rapperswil to Zurich
1520 Zurich to Rapperswil
1745 Rapperswil to Zurich
  Friday 24th May 2024
Lake Neuchâtel
PS Neuchâtel
prevention of
further damage
to her engine
1415 Neuchâtel to Portalban
1510 Portalban to Neuchâtel
1600 Neuchâtel to Cudrefin
1650 Cudrefin to Neuchâtel
  Saturday 25th May 2024
Lake Brienz
PS Lötschberg
"Friends" AGM charter
1207 Interlaken to Brienz
1340 Brienz to Interlaken
1507 Interlaken to Brienz
1640 Brienz to Interlaken
  Wednesdays to Sundays 25th May to 20th July 2024
   (except Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June)
Lake Neuchâtel
PS Neuchâtel
at dock for repairs
All sailings covered by a motor vessel
  Sunday 26th May 2024
Lake Geneva
all paddle steamers
Naval Parade
All tourist sailings either cancelled
or replaced by a motor vessel
  Sunday 26th May 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Stadt Luzern
0912 Luzern to Flüelen
1200 Flüelen to Lazern
  Friday 7th June 2024
Lake Zurich
PS Stadt Rapperswil
1320 Zurich to Rapperswil
1540 Rapperswil to Zurich
  Monday 10th June 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Montreux
pre-planned repairs
sailings cancelled
1045 Geneva to Lausanne
1455 Lausanne to Geneva
  Sunday 16th June 2024
Lake Neuchâtel
PS Neuchâtel
no "obvious" reason
1725 Neuchâtel to Portalban
1755 Portalban to Neuchâtel
  Friday 21st and Tuesday 25th June 2024
Lake Zurich
PS Stadt Rapperswil
no obvious reason
1320 Zurich to Rapperswil
1540 Rapperswil to Zurich
  Thursday 27th June 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Italie
sailings cancelled
0905 Le Bouveret to Lausanne
1100 Lausanne to Le Bouveret
1330 Le Bouveret to Vevey
1410 Vevey to Le Bouveret
1530 Le Bouveret to Vevey
1610 Vevey to Le Bouveret
1730 Le Bouveret to Vevey
1810 Vevey to Le Bouveret
  Friday 28th June 2024
Lake Geneva
PS Montreux
relocation of
paddle steamers
for the summer timetable
sailings cancelled
0905 Le Bouveret to Lausanne
1100 Lausanne to Le Bouveret
1330 Le Bouveret to Vevey
1410 Vevey to Le Bouveret
1530 Le Bouveret to Vevey
1610 Vevey to Le Bouveret
1730 Le Bouveret to Vevey
1810 Vevey to Le Bouveret
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
2032 Montreux to Lausanne
MPV Italie
  Saturday 29th June 2024
Lake Thun
PS Blümlisalp
1240 Thun to Interlaken
1510 Interlaken to Thun
  Saturday 29th June 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Italie
sailing cancelled
0905 Le Bouveret to Lausanne
1845 Geneva to Hermance
1930 Hermance to Geneva
PS Rhône
no "obvious" reason
  Friday 5th July 2024
Lake Zurich
PS Stadt Rapperswil
no obvious reason
1320 Zurich to Rapperswil
1540 Rapperswil to Zurich
  Saturday 6th July 2024
Lake Zurich
PS Stadt Zürich
1320 Zurich to Rapperswil
1540 Rapperswil to Zurich
  Thursday 11th July 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Italie

"acting-PS"  mv Lausanne
sailings cancelled
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Friday 12th July 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Italie
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Sunday 14th July 2024
Lake Zurich
PS Stadt Rapperswil
paddle-wheel failure
1120 Zurich to Rapperswil
1345 Rapperswil to Zurich
1720 Zurich to Rapperswil
1950 Rapperswil to Zurich
  Thursday 25th July 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Unterwalden
shortage of steam engineers
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
1338 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1517 Alpnachstad to Luzern
  Friday 26th July 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Unterwalden
shortage of steam engineers
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
1338 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1517 Alpnachstad to Luzern
  Saturday 27th July 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Unterwalden
shortage of steam engineers
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
1338 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1517 Alpnachstad to Luzern
  Sunday 28th July 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Gallia
shortage of steam engineers
1040 Luzern to Flüelen
1340 Flüelen to Luzern
  Monday and Tuesday 29th and 30th July 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Unterwalden
and PS Gallia
shortage of steam engineers
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
1040 Luzern to Flüelen
1340 Flüelen to Luzern
1338 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1517 Alpnachstad to Luzern
  Wednesday 31th July 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Unterwalden
and PS Stadt Luzern
shortage of steam engineers
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
 1040 Luzern to Flüelen 
 1340 Flüelen to Luzern 
1112 Luzern to Flüelen
1400 Flüelen to Luzern
1338 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1517 Alpnachstad to Luzern
 Thursday 1st August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Uri  PS Unterwalden
and PS Gallia
evening parade
shortage of steam engineers
0912 Luzern to Flüelen
1200 Flüelen to Luzern
0940 Luzern to Beckenried
1132 Beckenried to Luzern
1040 Luzern to Flüelen
1340 Flüelen to Luzern
  Friday 2nd August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Uri and PS Unterwalden
shortage of steam engineers
0912 Luzern to Flüelen
1200 Flüelen to Luzern
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
  Friday 2nd August 2024
Lake Neuchâtel
PS Neuchâtel
last minute alteration
1030 Neuchâtel to Cudrefin
1120 Cudrefin to Neuchâtel
  Monday and Wednesday 5th and 7th August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Unterwalden
and PS Gallia
shortage of steam engineers
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
1040 Luzern to Flüelen
1340 Flüelen to Luzern
1338 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1517 Alpnachstad to Luzern
  Tuesday and Thursday 6th and 8th August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Unterwalden
shortage of steam engineers
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
1338 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1517 Alpnachstad to Luzern
  Friday 9th August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Gallia
shortage of steam engineers
1040 Luzern to Flüelen
1340 Flüelen to Luzern
  Tuesday 13th August 2024
Lake Brienz
PS Lötschberg
storm damage at Brienz
1107 Interlaken to Brienz*
1240 Brienz* to Interlaken
1407 Interlaken to Brienz*
1540 Brienz* to Interlaken
* - ONLY operating between Interlaken and Giessbach
  Wednesday 14th August 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Vevey
visit to dock
following lightning strike
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Wednesday 14th August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Unterwalden
shortage of steam engineers
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
1338 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1517 Alpnachstad to Luzern
  Thursday 15th August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Schiller
shortage of steam engineers
1212 Luzern to Flüelen
1500 Flüelen to Luzern
  Thursday and Friday 15th and 16th August 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Vevey
visit to dock
following lightning strike
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Saturday 17th August 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Italie
visit to dock
following lightning strike
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
 Saturday 17th August 2024 --- REINSTATED LAST MINUTE
Lake Luzern
PS Uri
 shortage of steam engineers 
 0912 Luzern to Flüelen 
 1200 Flüelen to Luzern 
  Sunday 18th August 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Vevey
visit to dock
following lightning strike
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
 Sundays 18th and 25th August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Uri
shortage of steam engineers
0912 Luzern to Flüelen
1200 Flüelen to Luzern
  Monday 19th August 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Vevey
visit to dock
following lightning strike
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
 Saturday 24th August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Schiller
shortage of steam engineers
1212 Luzern to Flüelen
1500 Flüelen to Luzern
  Tuesday and Wednesday 27th and 28th August 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Italie
'48 hour' visit to dock
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Thursday 29th August 2024
Lake Geneva
PS La Suisse
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Friday 30th August 2024
Lake Geneva
PS La Suisse
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Saturday 31st August 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Unterwalden
shortage of steam engineers
0938 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1055 Alpnachstad to Luzern
1338 Luzern to Alpnachstad
1517 Alpnachstad to Luzern
  Saturday 31st August 2024
Lake Geneva
PS La Suisse
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Sunday 1st September 2024
Lake Zurich
PS Stadt Rapperswil
special sailing to Schmerikon
0920 Zurich to Rapperswil
1140 Rapperswil to Zurich
1520 Zurich to Rapperswil
1745 Rapperswil to Zurich
  Sunday 1st September 2024
Lake Geneva
PS La Suisse
1055 Lausanne to Geneva
1445 Geneva to Lausanne
1820 Lausanne to Montreux
1932 Montreux to Lausanne
  Friday 6th September 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Uri
reason unknown
0912 Luzern to Flüelen
1200 Flüelen to Lazern
  Sunday 8th September 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Gallia
1040 Luzern to Flüelen
1340 Flüelen to Luzern
 Friday 13th September 2024
Lake Neuchâtel
PS Neuchâtel
0915 Neuchâtel to Morat/Murten
1045 Morat/Murten 'Round the Lake'
1215 Morat/Murten 'Round the Lake'
1415 Morat/Murten 'Round the Lake'
1540 Morat/Murten 'Round the Lake'
1705 Morat/Murten to Neuchâtel
  Thursday 19th September 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Italie
24 hour visit to dock
sailings cancelled
1440 Lausanne to St Gingolph
1533 St Gingolph to Lausanne
  Thursday 19th September 2024
Lake Zurich
PS Stadt Rapperswil
no obvious reason
1320 Zurich to Rapperswil
1540 Rapperswil to Zurich
  Sunday 6th Otober 2024
Lake Luzern
PS Uri
1312 Luzern to Flüelen
1600 Flüelen to Luzern
  Friday 11th October 2024
Lake Geneva
MPV Italie
winter overhaul
1815 Lausanne to Morges
2115 Morges to Lausanne
  Wedmesday to Friday 16th to 18th October 2024
Lake Thun
PS Blümlisalp
1240 Thun to Interlaken
1510 Interlaken to Thun

Key - basic reason for changes
day to day operating
special sailing
charter sailing
re-build or test
weather and
replaced by a motor vessel
"italics" - sailing(s) CANCELLED

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Neuchatel, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 22nd October 2024   e-mail   (c)1999-2024 John B Bird