paddle steamer

Years 2024 and 2025 Timetable
Archive Timetables

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2023 Sightings Summary
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Advance information - Summer 2024

Since the end of the 2001 season  (when there were regular extra special afternoon cruises
by MPV Italia as well as MPV G Zanardelli operating timetabled sailings out of Desenzano)
the two motor paddle vessels are rarely advertised to operate public timetabled sailings

Since the major re-built MPV G Zanardelli  (completed a couple of years ago),  she normally
only operates "charter" and the occasional "special" cruises
- details will be included on this website if and when any are advised to me

In consequence MPV Italia has more recently been based at Riva vice her sister during
the peak-summer period and normally operates some timetabled sailings from Riva and
Limone to Malcesine,  but these are NOT advertised as such in the official NLC timetable
BEWARE - these sailings are liable to replacement by an ordinary motor vessel without notice
if there is a private charter or she is required to covere for another ship

always confirm locally first to avoid disappointment !

In 2023 it is expected it will again be possible to make a full-length sailing from the
southern end of the lake by using the early-morning hydrofoil/cataraman to Limone
before later returning on the last southbound hydrofoil/cataraman services
On very rare occasions one or even both motor paddle vessels have sailed the
full length of the lake vice the car ferries,  but not for several years

Please e-mail me if you see either motor paddle vessel in service anywhere so the information
can be posted for the benefit of other visitors to this website

bold dates   - one or more motor paddle vessels planned/expected to be in service
light dates     - no motor paddle vesels planned to be in service
lilac dates   - "expected" sailings by motor paddle vessels awaiting formal confirmation

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2024
    Tuesday - 11th June 2024  
    Mondays to Fridays - 12th June 2024 until further notice  

Saturdays - 6th January to 28th December 2024
Saturdays - 15th June 2024 until further notice

Sundays - 7th January to 29th December 2024
Sundays - 16th June 2024 until further notice

Mondays to Fridays
All dates

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 13th June 2024   e-mail   (c)2001-2024 John B Bird