Lake Neuchâtel - Paddle Steamer Summary
1 Paddle Steamer
(see Fleet Lists)
In service
  PS Neuchâtel
(see map)
1) Neuchâtel - Portalban
2) Neuchâtel - Cudrefin
3) Neuchâtel - Estavayer-le-Lac
4) Neuchâtel - Yverdon-les-Bains
via Estavayer-le-Lac
5) Neuchâtel - Morat/Murten
6) Morat/Murten - "round the lake"
via Faoug
7) Neuchâtel - Bienne/Biel
via Île St-Pierre
    (also some short workings between these points)
Paddle Steamer Sailings
(see Timetable Index)
Based on start-January 2024 to end-December 2024
(with information updated where possible)
Any specific date where the paddle steamer is officially advertised
to operate timetabled sailings which I have been pre-advised will
be substituted by a motor vessel is identified below   (for further
details - see my timetable for the applicable date
) :-
  note - $ - except ........
Always check the latest position direct with the LNM
(in French or German only)
late-July to
Mondays and Tuesdays
  no paddle steamers advertised to operate timetabled sailings

  1) Neuchâtel (dep 1000) - Portalban (dep 1055) - Neuchâtel
  2) Neuchâtel (dep 1140) - Bienne/Biel (dep 1445) - Neuchâtel
  3) Neuchâtel (dep 1725) - Portalban (dep 1755) - Neuchâtel

  1) Neuchâtel (dep 1000) - Portalban (dep 1055) - Neuchâtel
  2) Neuchâtel (dep 1215) - Morat/Murten (dep 1355) - Neuchâtel
  3) Neuchâtel (dep 1530) - Portalban (dep 1625) - Neuchâtel
  4) Neuchâtel (dep 1725) - Portalban (dep 1755) - Neuchâtel
Swiss National Day - Thursday 1st August 2024
    PS Neuchâtel is planned to operate a special "Parade and Fireworks Cruise" from Neuchatel at 1945
  1) Neuchâtel (dep 0915) - Morat/Murten  #
  2) Morat/Murten (dep 1045) - cruise round the lake  #
  3) Morat/Murten (dep 1215) - 'lunch' cruise round the lake  #
  4) Morat/Murten (dep 1415) - cruise round the lake  #
  5) Morat/Murten (dep 1540) - cruise round the lake  #
  6) Morat/Murten (dep 1705) - Neuchâtel  #
   # - EXCEPT  Friday 2nd August
  1) Neuchâtel (dep 1030) - Cudrefin (dep 1120) - Neuchâtel
  2) Neuchâtel (dep 1210  'lunch' cruise) - Cudrefin (dep 1300) - Neuchâtel
  3) Neuchâtel (dep 1415) - Portalban (dep 1510) - Neuchâtel
  4) Neuchâtel (dep 1600) - Cudrefin (dep 1650) - Neuchâtel

First Saturday of the month
  1) Neuchâtel (dep 0910) - Estavayer-le-Lac (dep 1040) - Yverdon-les-Bains
  2) Yverdon-les-Bains (dep 1310 - Grandson (dep 1345) - Yverdon-les-Bains
  3) Yverdon-les-Bains (dep 1455) - Estavayer-le-Lac (dep 1700) - Neuchâtel

  1) Neuchâtel (dep 1000) - Portalban (dep 1055) - Neuchâtel
  2) Neuchâtel (dep 1215) - Morat/Murten (dep 1355) - Neuchâtel
  3) Neuchâtel (dep 1530) - Portalban (dep 1625) - Neuchâtel
  4) Neuchâtel (dep 1725) - Portalban (dep 1755) - Neuchâtel
end-September to
  no paddle steamers advertised to operate timetabled sailings
end-October to
  no sailings on the lake
January to
  no sailings on the lake
Early Summer
mid to late-May
Note REVISED sailings until Sunday 26th May
Translated "Trivapor" Press Release..........

The steamboat Neuchâtel on a reduced course
    After ten years on a successful course since its reconstruction, the steamboat underwent a general overhaul last winter.
    It has been back in scheduled service since Ascension Day and is now in good running order, but the steam engine is making an unusual noise that could indicate abnormal wear and tear.
    The ship will be inspected by one of the few specialists in this sector, an employee of Shiptec (Lucerne).
    Much in demand on several lakes, he will come to Neuchâtel on 27 and 28 May.
    If all goes well, the steamboat will start its normal service on the Three Lakes on Thursday 29 May.
    In the meantime, the boat will be operating somewhat sparingly from Wednesday to Sunday on the round trips from Neuchâtel at 10.30, 12.10, 14.15 and 16.00.
    The next trip to Biel is scheduled for 29 May and to Murten for 30 May.
    Trivapor apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Mondays and Tuesdays
  no paddle steamers advertised to operate timetabled sailings

Wednesdays to Sundays
  1) Neuchâtel (dep 1030) - Cudrefin (dep 1120) - Neuchâtel
  2) Neuchâtel (dep 1210  'lunch' cruise) - Cudrefin (dep 1300) - Neuchâtel
  3) Neuchâtel (dep 1415) - Portalban (dep 1510) - Neuchâtel
  4) Neuchâtel (dep 1600) - Cudrefin (dep 1650) - Neuchâtel
early-April to
  no paddle steamers advertised to operate timetabled sailings
PLEASE check with the operator nearer the time, as it is often necessary to make late changes,   especially to the vessel operating a particular sailing
Note: Additional sailings are operated throughout the spring, summer and autumn by motor vessels
Fleet disposition The paddle steamer normally berths overnight at Neuchâtel

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Updated - Lakes Neuchatel, Murten, Biel, Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 21st July 2024   e-mail   (c)1999-2024 John B Bird