Years 2024 and 2025 Timetables
Archive Timetables

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Advance information - Summer 2024

*** The LNM have subsequently confirmed PS Neuchâtel WILL now
operate during the period between 24th and 28th July after all !!! ***

Mondays and Tuesdays - 13th May to 24th September 2024
Wednesdays - 29th May to 17th July 2024  - breakdown - in dock
Wednesdays - 24th July to 25th September 2024  (1140 Bienne/Biel)
Thursdays - 30th May to 18th July 2024  - breakdown - in dock
Thursdays - 25th July to 26th September 2024  (1215 Morat/Murten)
    Swiss National Day - Thursday 1st August 2024  (Parade/Fireworks cruise)  
Fridays - 31st May to 19th July 2024  - breakdown - in dock
Fridays - 26th July to 27th September 2024  (0915 Morat/Murten)
    Friday 2nd August 2024  - no sailings ?  (as the crew will have been working late the previous evening) 
Mondays to Fridays - 30th September to 31st December 2024

Saturdays - 11th May to 28th September 2024  (1030 Cudrefin)
    Saturday - 3rd August 2024  (0910 Yverdon-les-Bains) - ALL Yverdon "PS" sailings SUSPENDED pendung work to the pier 
("standard" Saturday sailings in lieu)
    Saturday - 7th September 2024  (0910 Yverdon-les-Bains) - ALL Yverdon "PS" sailings SUSPENDED pendung work to the pier 
("standard" Saturday sailings in lieu)
Saturdays - 5th October to 28th December 2024

Sundays - 21st July to 29th September 2024  (1215 Morat/Murten)
Sundays - 6th October to 29th December 2024

Mondays to Fridays
All dates

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Updated - Lakes Neuchatel, Murten, Biel, Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Neuchatel, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 27th July 2024   e-mail   (c)2004-2024 John B Bird