paddle steamer

N L G    Summer Timetable
Advance Information - Summer 2008

Pending issue of official timetables,
it is expected that both motor paddle vessels will again be in service during the
2008 Spring and Summer Timetable periods

Traditionally they operate on a non-advertised basis vice smaller motor vessels at the southern end of the lake although it is quite possible that MPV Italia will again make the occasional full-length return sailing to Riva at the northern end of the lake

Last year for the first time only one motor paddle vessel entered service early (at Easter) but the second was not observed in service until mid-July

Expect sailings to be something similar to 2007

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Can you help?

Garda Como Maggiore Konstanz Brienz Geneva Luzern Thun Zurich 3rd March 2008   e-mail   (c)2007-2008 John B Bird