Missing Information

So far I have been unable to confirm details of the sailings by paddle steamers during this period

Can you help me? If so, please e-mail me

I will gladly add your name to my Acknowledgements Page - you can of course remain anonymous if you prefer
At this stage, I am particularly interested to confirm full details of the sailings by PS Blümlisalp and PS Lötschberg on Lakes Thun and Brienz respectably
for the period May 1997 to May 1998
Also before 28th May 1994
Can YOU help?

Lake Brienz Lake Como Lake Garda Lake Geneva Lake Konstanz Lake Luzern Lake Maggiore Lake Thun Lake Zurich PS Fleets Restore Frames

Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich Last Updated 14th August 2006   e-mail   (c)1999-2006 John B Bird