PS Neuchâtel
The Maffei paddle steamer engine no 576
originally installed in PS Ludwig Fessler

The first stage of an ambitious plan to restore
PS Neuchâtel to operational status
Parts of the engine are loaded into
two containers at Rotterdam at
the start of its journey to
Yverdon (Switzerland)
late-January 2005

Olivier Bachmann

Saturday 12th February 2005
3 steam locomotives and 1 paddle steamer engine from Basel to Yverdon

photos:  Olivier Bachmann, Renata Brandstâtterova,
Daniel Eichenberger, Andrew Thompson and Georg Trüb

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 27th February 2005   e-mail   (c)2005 John B Bird