PS Wilhelm Tell visits the SGV floating dock at Luzern photo: by Dampferzeitung The former SGV paddle steamer is towed from the Schweizerhofquai to the SGV works by mv Gotthard on Monday 26th January 2009 Click on the picture above to access Dampferzeitung website The former SGV paddle steamer arrives at Luzern works as seen from the webcam on board PS Stadt Luzern (unfortunately there was no update after 0902 as she crossed the bay until this view at 0914 !) photo: Robert Horlacher Two days later the paddle steamer stands proudly on the SGV Floating Dock Note - the banner says the paddle steamer will reopen for business on 1st March photo: Daniel Eichenberger By Friday 30th January, work was well underway |
Six paddle steamers (Lake Luzern) photo: Daniel Eichenberger PS Wilhelm Tell (in the right background) joins her five operational sisters note - the funnel has already been removed from PS Unterwalden (behind the middle funnel) ready for her entry into the covered dry dock |
PS Neuchâtel (Lake Neuchâtel) photos: Olivier Bachmann Work is proceeding rapidly on renovating the steam engine for the paddle steamer which is it hoped will re-enter service in 2011 providing the remaining funds can be raised in time More pictures of the Maffei engine can also be found under the following link |
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