Archive Timetables (1994 and 2000-2024)
There were no regular timetabled services by paddle steamer to any Swiss piers
Details of the only special sailings advised to me are given below
Are you aware of any others ?
Years 2024 and 2025 Timetables

Summary Page
Fleet Page
Map Page
History Page
2016 Sightings Summary
2015 Sightings Summary
2014 Sightings Summary
2013 Sightings Summary
2011 Sightings Summary

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2024
     Wednesday - 17th April 2024 - special cruise by mv Oesterreich to off-Romanshorn for the raising of PS Säntis  - DEFERRED
    Thursday - 16th May 2024 - evening jazz cruise  (from Romanshorn)
    Thursday - 6th June 2024 - two ship afternoon cruise  (from Arbon)
    Wednesday - 21st August 2024 - two ship afternoon cruisee  (from Romanshorn)
    Friday - 6th September 2024 - evening 'wine and dine' cruise  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Thursday - 19th September 2024 - lunch and motor museum cruise  (from Lindau to Romanshorn)

Saturdays - 6th January to 28th December 2024
    Saturday - 20th April 2024 - Romanshorn Hafenfest  (cruises to and from Romanshorn)
    Saturday - 27th April 2024 - afternoon cruise  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Saturday - 25th May 2024 - Arbon Classics Festival  (cruises to and from Arbon)
    Saturday - 8th June 2024 - evening dinner cruise  (from Rorschach)
    Saturday - 13th July 2024 - evening 'wine and dine' cruise  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 7th January to 29th December 2024
    Sunday - 21st April 2024 - Romanshorn Hafenfest  (cruises to and from Romanshorn)  
    Sunday - 19th May 2024 - lunch and motor museum cruise  (from Hard to Romanshorn)
    Sunday - 26th May 2024 - Arbon Classics Festival  (cruises to and from Arbon)
    Sunday - 2nd June 2024 - two ship cruise to Rorschach for the Appenzell train)
    Sunday - 23rd June 2024 - lunch and motor museum cruise  (from Kaiserstrand in Lochau to Romanshorn)
    Sunday - 4th August 2024 - evening festival cruise  (from Rorschach)
    Sunday - 25th August 2024 - two ship cruise to Rorschach (for the Appenzell train)
    Sunday - 22nd September 2024 - two ship cruise to Rorschach (for the Appenzell train)
    Sunday - 13th October 2024 - lunch and motor museum cruise  (from Hard)
    Sunday - 20th October 2024 - two ship cruise to Rorschach (for the Appenzell train)

Mondays to Fridays - 2nd January to 29th December 2023
    Thursday - 18th May 2023 - evening jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Thursday - 8th June 2023 - two ship afternoon cruise  (from Arbon)
    Wednesday - 28th June 2023 - two ship afternoon cruise  (from Rorschach)
    Wednesday - 9th August 2023 - evening festival cruise  (from Rorschach)
    Thursday - 17th August 2023 - evening dinner cruise  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Thursday - 7th September 2023 - evening dinner cruise)  (from Romanshorn)

Saturdays - 7th January to 30th December 2023

Sundays - 1st January to 31st December 2023
    Sunday - 21st May 2023 - morning and afternoon cruises)  (from Arbon))
    Sunday - 28th May 2023 - two ship cruise to Rorschach (for the Appenzell train)
    Sunday - 11th June 2023 - two ship cruise to Rorschach (for the Appenzell train)
    Sunday - 25th June 2023 - lunch and motor museum cruise  (from Hard to Romanshorn)
    Sunday - 16th July 2023 - lunch and motor museum cruise  (from Kaiserstrand in Lochau to Romanshorn)
    Sunday - 3rd September 2023 - two ship cruise to Rorschach (for the Appenzell train)
    Sunday - 17th September 2023 - lunch and motor museum cruise  (from Lindau to Romanshorn)
    Sunday - 8th October 2023 - two ship cruise to Rorschach (for the Appenzell train)
    Sunday - 15th October 2023 - lunch and motor museum cruise  (from Hard to Romanshorn)

Mondays to Fridays - 3rd January to 30th December 2022
    Friday - 20th May 2022  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Swiss National Holiday Monday - 1st August 2022  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Romanshorn)
    Wednesday - 3rd August 2022  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Arbon)
    Tuesday - 9th August 2022  (afternoon and evening festival cruises)  (from Rorschach)
    Tuesday - 30th August 2022  (two ship evening cruise)  (from Romanshorn)
    Thursday - 8th September 2022  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Saturdays - 1st January to 31st December 2022
    Saturday - 9th April 2022  (short cruises  (from Romanshorn)
    Saturday - 13th August 2022  (lunch and motor museum  (from Hard to Romanshorn)
    Saturday - 22nd October 2022  (afternoon cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 2nd January to 25th December 2022
    Sunday - 10th April 2022  (short cruises  (from Romanshorn)
    Sunday - 22nd May 2022  (two ship afternoon cruise and evening dinner cruise)  (from Arbon)
    Sunday - 9th October 2022  (lunch and motor museum cruise  (from Lindau to Romanshorn)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2021
     Thursday - 13th May 2021  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Rorschach)   (sailings CANCELLED)
    Thursday - 29th July 2021  (afternoon and evening festival cruises) (from Rorschach)
    Tuesday - 17th August 2021  (evening festival cruise)  (from Rorschach)
    Friday - 8th October 2021  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Arbon)

Saturdays - 2nd January to 25th December 2021
     Saturday - 17th April 2021  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Rorschach)   (sailings CANCELLED)
     Saturday - 24th April 2021  (afternoon cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)  (sailings CANCELLED)
    Saturday - 12th June 2021  (afternoon and evening cruises)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 3rd January to 26th December 2021
    Sunday - 18th July 2021  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Arbon)
    Sunday - 1st August 2021  (afternoon and evening cruises)  (from Rorschach and Arbon)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2020
    Thursday - 30th April 2020  (evening dinner cruise) (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)  (sailing CANCELLED)
    Thursday - 11th June 2020  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Romanshorn)  (sailings CANCELLED)
    Thursday - 16th July 2020  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Rorschach) also (afternoon cruise)  (from Arbon)
    Thursday - 30th July 2020  (evening festival cruise)  (from Rorschach)  (sailing CANCELLED)
    Thursday - 13th August 2020  (afternoon and evening festival cruises)  (from Rorschach) (evening sailing CANCELLED)
    Friday - 14th August 2020  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Thursday - 27th August 2020  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Rorschach) and (evening dinner cruise)  (from Romanshorn) 
    Thursday - 10th September 2020  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Rorschach)

Saturdays - 4th January to 26th December 2020
    Saturday - 25th April 2020  (afternoon cruise) (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)  (sailings CANCELLED)
    Saturday - 10th October 2020  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Rorschach)

Sundays - 5th January to 27th December 2020
    Sunday - 26th April 2020  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Romanshorn)  (sailings CANCELLED)
    Sunday - 3rd May 2020  (morning jazz and afternoon cruise)  (from Arbon)  (sailings CANCELLED)
    Sunday - 2nd August 2020  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Rorschach)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2019
    Friday - 26th April 2019  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz
    Tuesday - 30th April 2019  (two ship afternoon International cruise)  (TO Romanshorn from Lindau)
    Thursday - 30th May 2019  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Rorschach)
    Thursday - 1st August 2019  (afternoon and evening festival cruise)  (from Rorschach)
    Thursday 8th August 2019  (two ship afternoon and evening dinner cruise)  (from Arbon)
    Thursday 3rd October 2019  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Saturdays - 5th January to 28th December 2019
    Saturday - 27th April 2019 - afternoon cruise  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Saturday 1st June 2019  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Saturday 8th June 2019  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 6th January to 29th December 2019
    Sunday - 7th July 2019  (two ship afternoon cruise)  (from Romanshorn)
    Sunday - 21st July 2019  (afternoon and evening festival cruise)  (from Rorschach)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2018
    Friday - 13th July 2018  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Wednesday - 1st August 2018  (cruises from Rorschach, Romanshorn and Arbon)
    Tuesday - 7th August 2018  (evening festival cruise)  (from Rorschach)

Saturdays - 6th January to 29th December 2018
    Saturday - 19th May 2018  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 7th January to 30th December 2018
    Sunday - 6th May 2018  (morning and afternoon cruises)  (from Arbon)
    Sunday - 1st July 2018  (afternoon cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Sunday - 8th July 2018  (afternoon and evening dinner cruises)  (from Romanshorn )
    Sunday - 22nd July 2018  (evening festival cruise)  (from Rorschach)

Mondays to Fridays - 2nd January to 29th December 2017
    Easter Monday - 17th April 2017  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Friday - 23rd June 2017  (afternoon and evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Tuesday - 1st August 2017  (cruises from Rorschach, Romanshorn and Arbon)

Saturdays - 7th January to 30th December 2017
    Saturday - 3rd June 2017  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Saturday - 2nd September 2017  (cruises from Altnau and Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 1st January to 31st December 2017
    Easter Sunday - 16th April 2017  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Sunday - 4th June 2017  (morning and afternoon international cruises)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
    Sunday - 23rd July 2017  (evening festival cruise)  (from Rorschach)
    Sunday - 6th August 2017  (morning jazz and evening festival cruise)  (from Rorschach)
    Sunday - 3rd September 2017  (morning jazz and afternoon cruises)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 30th December 2016
   Monday - 1st August 2016  (cruises from Rorschach, Arbon and Romanshorn)
   Friday - 16th September 2016  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Friday - 7th October 2016  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Saturdays - 2nd January to 31st December 2016
   Saturday - 10th September 2016  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 3rd January to 25th December 2016
   Sunday - 8th May 2016  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Arbon)
   Sunday - 15th May 2016  (morning and afternoon international cruises)  (from Altnau)
   Sunday - 19th June 2016  (afternoon international cruise)  (from Romanshorn)
   Sunday - 10th July 2016  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Rorschach)
   Sunday - 4th September 2016  (morning and afternoon international cruises)  (from Rorschach)
   Sunday - 11th September 2016  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2015

Saturdays - 3rd January to 26th December 2015
   Saturday - 16th May 2015  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Rorschach)
   Saturday - 23rd May 2015  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Saturday - 26th September 2015  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 4th January to 27th December 2015
   Sunday - 26th April 2015  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 31st May 2015  (morning, afternoon and evening cruises)  (from Rorschach)
   Sunday - 7th June 2015  (morning and afternoon cruises)  (from Altnau)
   Sunday - 5th July 2015  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Romanshorn )
   Sunday - 30th August 2015  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Arbon )

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2014
   Easter Monday - 21st April 2014  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Monday - 9th June 2014  (morning/afternoon cruises)  (from Altnau)
   Thursday - 10th July 2014  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Friday - 11th July 2014  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen)
   Friday - 1st August 2014  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Rorschach)
   Thursday - 14th August 2014  (morning/afternoon cruises)  (from Rorschach)

Saturdays - 4th January to 27th December 2014
   Saturday - 3rd May 2014  (morning/afternoon/evening cruises)  (from Arbon)

Sundays - 5th January to 28th December 2014
   Easter Sunday - 20th April 2014  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 8th June 2014  (morning jazz/afternoon cruises)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 22nd June 2014  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Romanshorn)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2013
   Monday - 20th May 2013  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Friday - 14th June 2013  (morning international cruise)  (from Romanshorn)
   Thursday - 1st August 2013  (evening jazz cruise)  (from Rorschach)
   Tuesday - 13th August 2013  (morning/afternoon international cruises)  (from Rorschach)

Saturdays - 5th January to 28th December 2013
   Saturday - 8th June 2013  (morning jazz cruise)  (from Rorschach)

Sundays - 6th January to 29th December 2013
   Sunday - 19th May 2013  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 26th May 2013  (evening dinner cruise)  (from Rorschach)
   Sunday - 7th July 2013  (morning/afternoon international cruises)  (from Altnau)

Mondays to Fridays - 2nd January to 31st December 2012
   Friday - 1st June 2012  (evening Jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Wednesday - 1st August 2012  (evening Jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen)
   Wednesday - 8th August 2012  (afternoon/evening Dinner cruises)  (from Rorschach)

Saturdays - 7th January to 29th December 2012
   Saturday - 2nd June 2012  (evening Dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 1st January to 30th December 2012
   Sunday - 3rd June 2012  (morning/afternoon cruises)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 8th July 2012  (evening Jazz cruise)  (from Rorschach)
   Sunday - 22nd July 2012  (morning/afternoon cruises)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 9th September 2012  (morning/afternoon cruises  (from Rorschach)

Mondays to Fridays - 3rd January to 30th December 2011
   Thursday - 23rd June 2011  (International cruises)  (from Romanshorn)
   Thursday - 28th July 2011  (International cruises also evening Jazz cruise)  (from Rorschach)
   Monday - 10th August 2011  (International cruises)  (from Romanshorn)

Saturdays - 1st January to 31st December 2011
   Whit Saturday - 11th June 2010  (Jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Saturday - 10th September 2011  (Dinner cruise)  (from Rorschach)

Sundays - 2nd January to 25th December 2011
   Sunday - 29th May 2011  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Whit Sunday - 12th June 2011  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 10th July 2011  (evening Dinner cruise)  (from Rorschach)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2010
   Friday - 3rd September 2010  (Jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Friday - 17th September 2010  (Dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Saturdays - 2nd January to 25th December 2010
   Saturday - 17th April 2010  ("Open Day" at Romanshorn Dry Dock)
   Saturday - 1st May 2010  (International cruises)  (from Romanshorn)
   Whit Saturday - 22nd May 2010  (Jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 3rd January to 26th December 2010
   Sunday - 1st August 2010  (Swiss National Day)  (from Rorschach)
   Sunday - 19th September 2010  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 3rd October 2010  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2009
   Thursday - 4th June 2009  (AGM Special)

   Friday - 17th July 2009  (Dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Tuesday - 28th July 2009  (Dinner cruise)  (from Rorschach)
   Tuesday - 25th August 2009  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Saturdays - 3rd January to 26th December 2009
   Saturday - 23rd May 2009  (International cruise)  (from Romanshorn)
   Whit Saturday - 30th May 2009  (Jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 4th January to 27th December 2009
   Whit Sunday - 31st May 2009  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 21st June 2009  (International cruises)  (from Rorschach)
   Sunday - 19th July 2009  (Jazz cruise)  (from Romanshorn)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2008
   Thursday - 1st May 2008  (International cruises)
   Friday - 11th July 2008  (Dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Tuesday - 22nd July 2008  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Thursday - 2nd October 2008  (Dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Friday - 3rd October 2008  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Saturdays - 5th January to 27th December 2008
   Whit Saturday - 10th May 2008  (Jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Saturday - 9th August 2008  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Saturday - 4th October 2008  (Jazz cruise)

Sundays - 6th January to 28th December 2008
   Whit Sunday - 11th May 2008  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 6th July 2008  (Jazz cruise)
   Sunday - 13th July 2008  (International cruises)
   Sunday - 21st September 2008  (Dinner cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2007
   Tuesday - 1st May 2007  (International/charter cruises)
   Thursday - 7th June 2007  (International cruise)
   Wednesday - 1st August 2007  (Swiss National Day)
   Thursday - 9th August 2007  (International cruise)
   Monday - 10th September 2007  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Saturdays - 6th January to 29th December 2007
   Saturday - 26th May 2007  (Jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Saturday - 1st September 2007  (Dampferfreunde chatrer/Jazz cruise)

Sundays - 7th January to 30th December 2007
   Sunday - 27th May 2007  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Mondays to Fridays - 2nd January to 29th December 2006
   Monday - 1st May 2006  (International cruises)
   Thursday - 22nd June 2006  (AGM Special)
   Tuesday - 1st August 2006  (Swiss National Day)

Saturdays - 7th January to 30th December 2006
   Saturday - 3rd June 2006  (Jazz cruise)  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Sundays - 1st January to 31st December 2006
   Sunday - 4th June 2006  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 25th June 2006  (International cruise)
   Sunday - 16th July 2006  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)
   Sunday - 13th August 2006  (Festival dinner cruise)

   Sunday - 24th September 2006  (from Kreuzlingen/Konstanz)

Mondays to Fridays - 3rd January to 30th December 2005
   Thursday - 19th May 2005  (AGM Special)
   Monday - 1st August 2005

Saturdays - 1st January to 31st December 2005
   Saturday - 14th May 2005  (Charter sailing open to the public)

Sundays - 2nd January to 25th December 2005
   Sunday - 1st May 2005

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2004
   Thursday - 27th May 2004  (private charter sailing)
   Friday - 4th June 2004
   Wednesday - 30th June 2004

Saturdays - 3rd January to 25th December 2004
   Saturday - 1st May 2004

Sundays - 4th January to 26th December 2004

Mondays to Fridays - 1st January to 31st December 2003
   Thursday - 29th May 2003  (Ascension Thursday)
   Thursday - 19th June 2003
   Friday - 1st August 2003  (Swiss National Day)
   Friday - 29th August 2003
   Friday - 3rd October 2003  (Final sailings of 2003 from Konstanz)

Saturdays - 4th January to 27th December 2003

Sundays - 5th January to 28th December 2003
   Sunday - 13th July 2003
   Sunday - 17th August 2003

Daily - 1st January to 31st December 2002
   Saturday - 4th May 2002
   Sunday - 12th May 2002  (Swiss Mothers Day)
   Saturday - 22nd June 2002
   Thursday - 1st August 2002  (Swiss National Day)

Daily - 1st January to 31st December 2001
   Saturday 16th June 2001
   Sunday 1st July 2001
   Sunday 16th September 2001

Daily - 1st January to 31st December 2000

1995 to 1999
All dates

Daily - 1st January to 31st December 1994 (except as below)
   Sunday - 1st May 1994
   Monday - 1st August 1994
   Sunday - 7th August 1994

1990 to 1993
All dates
   7th February 1990  (first test run)

Are you aware of any other sailings (Special or Charter) that have visited any Swiss piers at any time?

If so, please e-mail me

I will gladly add your name to my Acknowledgements Page
- you can of course remain anonymous if you prefer

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Can you help?

Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 5th May 2024  e-mail   (c)1999-2024 John B Bird