PS Unterwalden

Lake Luzern
Date entered service -- 1902
Builder -- Escher Wyss and Cie
Weight -- 294.5 tons
Steam Power -- 650 hp
Length -- 62.0m
Breadth -- 13.5m
Passenger capacity -- 700
Major re-builds -- 1949, 1961 and 1985
normally operates one round trip daily between Luzern and Flüelen
19th May 2021 First sailings of the season
Operated the 1110 "Gotthard Panorama Express" sailings 13-24 to Flüelen and back vice her broken down larger sister PS Stadt Luzern on Wednesday 19th May
1st May 2021  Planned to take part in the Welcome Back Parade for PS Stadt Luzern on Saturday 1st May  but this was postponed due to the further Coronavirus precautions
18th October 2020 Last sailings of the season
Operated her traditional autumn period 0912 sailings 7-18 to Flüelen and back on Sunday 18th October
1st August 2020 Took part in the very much smaller annual Dinner Parade from Luzern to Brunnen on Swiss National Day - Saturday 1st August,  but this year there was no fireworks display
Peak Season 2020 All paddle steamer sailings to both Kussnäächt-am-Rigi and Alpnachstad were either cancelled or replaced by motor vessels resulting in her only taking her turn on the sole remaining Luzern-Flüelen route as well as the Friday and Saturday Sunset Cruises
6th June 2020 First sailings of the season
Eventually - after the easement of the Coronavirus precautions - entered service on Saturday 6th June and opereate the 1312 sailings 13-24 to Flüelen and back
12th April 2020 First planned sailing of the season
Originally planned to operate a Lunch Cruise from Luzern on Easter Sunday 12th April,  but this was subsequently cancelled due to the on-going Coronavirus precautions
20th October 2019 Last sailings of the season
Operated the 0910 return sailing from Luzern to Flüelen on Sunday 20th October
1st August 2019 Took part in the annual Fireworks Parade from Luzern to Brunnen on Swiss National Day - Thursday 1st August
25th May 2019 Summer season
Reverted to operating the daily Lunch Cruise to Kussnächt-am-Rigi and Afternoon Sailing to Alpnachstad followed by an evening Sunset Cruise most days of the week commencing on Saturday 25th May
21st April 2019 Operated an Easter Lunch Cruise from Luzern at 1130 on Easter Sunday 21st April
19th April 2019 First sailing of the season
Operated the 0910 return sailing from Luzern to Flüelen on Good Friday 19th April
23rd November 2018 Unusually returned to service on Friday 23rd November to operate a series of charter sailings in the run up to Christmas alonmgside sister PS Uri which was operating the special advertised pre-Christmas evening sailings
This was the first time this century two paddle steamers had been in service together on Lake Luzern on the same day during the winter period - the nearest was in 2014 when she was rapidly called upon to replace her sister which had caught fire on Saturday 27th December 2014 and she commenced sailing on Monday 29th December 2014
21st October 2018 Last timetabled sailings of the season
Duplicated her larger sister PS Stadt Luzern on her final sailings 13-24 before she was withdrawn from service for a major overhaul on Sunday 21st October
26th April 2018 First timetabled sailings of the season
Following repairs, rerturned to service and operated sailings 13-24 1112 Luzern to Flüelen and return on Thursday 26th April
22nd April 2018 Broke down in Luzern dock and remained out of service for repairs instead of her first timetabled sailings 7-18 from Luzern to Flüelen and return on Sunday 22nd April and had to be replaced by mv Gotthard as sister PS Uri also broke down on the same day
1st April 2018 First sailing of the season
Unusually entered service early and operated an Easter Sunday Lunch Cruise from Luzern at 1130 on Sunday 1st April
22nd October 2017 Last sailings of the season
Took part in the final Sunday afternoon Tanz der Dampfschiffe from Luzern on Sunday 22nd October
25th May 2017 First timetabled sailings of the summer season
Operated her usual daily lunch cruise, afternoon trip to Alpnachstad followed by the evening "Sunset Cruise" on Ascension Thursday 28th May
Unlike previous years, the evening "Sunset Cruise" operated to Beckenried, except on Sunday and Monday evenings when that sailing was operated by a motor vessel
13th May 2017 Evening Steamer Parade
Took part in the special evening Parade by all five paddle steamers from Luzern on Saturday 13th May to mark the entry into service of the new mv "MS2017"
16th April 2017 Operated a special Easter Lunch Cruise from Luzern at 1130 on Sunday 16th April instead of her regular advertised timetabled sailings which had to tbe covered by mv Gotthard
14th April 2017 First timetabled sailings of the season
Operated the 0912 sailings 7-18 from Luzern to Flüelen and return on Good Friday 14th April
18th March 2017 First sailing of the season
Unusually entered service early and operated a winter evening Candlelight Dinner Cruise from Luzern at 2000 on Saturday 18th March
23rd October 2016 Last sailings of the season
Took part in the final Sunday afternoon Tanz der Dampfschiffe of 2016 from Luzern on Sunday 23rd October
19th August 2016 At approximately 1330 on Friday 19th August the paddle steamer suddenly swung round through 90% (understood to have been caused by a 'rudder electronic-control' problem) damaging her bows as she collided into her sister PS Schiller off-Hermitage --- after some delay, she limped back to Luzern with her 136 passengers then proceeded direct to dock to assess the damage where she remained for several days undertaking repairs
28th May 2016 Reverted to her usual daily lunch cruise, afternoon trip to Alpnachstad followed by the evening "Sunset Cruise" to Bouchs on Saturday 28th May
17th April 2016 First timetabled sailings of the season
Operated the 0912 sailings 7-18 from Luzern to Flüelen and return on Sunday 17th April
27th March 2016 First sailing of the season
Operated a special Easter Sunday non-landing Lunch Cruise on Sunday 27th March
18th October 2015 Last sailings of the season
Took part in the final Sunday afternoon Tanz der Dampfschiffe from Luzern on Sunday 18th October
3rd June 2015 First timetabled sailings of the season
She took up her usual daily lunch cruise, afternoon trip to Alpnachstad followed by the evening "Sunset Cruise" to Bouchs on Saturday 30th May
11th April 2015 First sailing of the season
Operated the first of the new monthly candlelight dinner cruises from Luzern at 2000 on Saturday 11th April
3rd March 2015 Undertook a special test run after completion of the modifications to her bolier on Tuesday 3rd March
29th December 2014 Fire on board PS Uri
Due to the fire on board PS Uri near Hergiswil on her lunch cruise sailing 681 on Saturday 27th December, the paddle steamer was rapidly awoken from her winter slumbers and steamed on the Sunday
After a quick test sailing she returned to quay two to operate the teatime Macaroni cruise sailing 675 on Monday 29th December
She subsequently completed all the ramainder of the Christmas/New Year special Festive sailings finishing with a lunch cruise on New Year's Day 1st January 2015
11th September 2014 Last public sailings of the season
Operated sailings 7-18 (0912 and 1600 from Luzern to Flüelen and return vice a motor vessel on Thursday 11th September
5th July 2014 The paddle steamer broke down again on the morning of Saturday 5th July
She was immediately taken out of service on the first day of the peak season when all five paddle steamers are advertised in public service
mv Waldstätter was quickly summoned to cover her lunch and afternoon cruises before Her sister PS Uri was given an extended day to cover the evening "sunset cruise"
IT SEEMS AS IT THE SGV MANAGEMENT HAVE SIMPLY "THREW IN THE TOWEL" as NO attempt was been made to cover her with another paddle steamer on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - instead they have simply planned mv Waldstatter to cover all her sailings WHICH IS NOT WHAT THE PUBLIC WANT nor WHAT THEY PAID FOR, especially on the "Sunset Cruise"
Initially the "fahrordnung" only showed detailed changes due to her non-availibility up to and incluing Monday but this was subsequently changed to include up to the following Friday
watch this space in case of any further delay........
3rd June 2014 First actual sailings of the season
After protracted repairs she eventually returned to service on Tuesday 3rd June and took up her usual daily lunch cruise, afternoon trip to Alpnachstad followed by the evening "Sunset Cruise" to Bouchs
24th May 2014 First planned sailings of the season
The paddle steamer wad planned to re-enter service on Saturday 24th May, but following technical problems on a pre-season "test sailing" she was still "under repairs" on the first day of the low-summer season resulting in her sisters having to be juggled round to cover most of her sailings (except to Alpnachstad)
20th October 2013 Last public sailings of the season
Operated sailings 7-18-157-158 (0912 and 1600 from Luzern to Flüelen and Küssnacht-am-Rigi) on Sunday 20th October
various dates during 2013 The paddle steamer suffered numerous breakdown and spent several periods 'out of action' at Luzern dock - being replaced either by one of her four sisters or a motor vessel - click here for further details
29th March 2013 First public sailings of the season
The paddle steamer opened the season and operated the 1125 Luzern to Flüelen and return sailings 13-26 on Good Friday 29th March
mid-March 2013 The paddle steamer operated a few pre-season charter sailings
1st January 2013 Last sailing of the extended 2012 season
The paddle steamer operated a special New Year's day lunch cruise from Luzern on Tuesday 1st January 2013
30th November 2012 Advent/Christmas sailings
The paddle steamer returned to service to operate the usual selection of special sailings over the Advent and Chritmas periods
various dates during 2012 The paddle steamer suffered numerous breakdowns and spent several periods 'out of action' at Luzern dock - being replaced either by one of her four sisters or a motor vessel - click here for further details
6th April 2012 First sailings of the season
The paddle steamer opened the SGV 2012 season and operated the 1125 Luzern to Flüelen and return sailings 13-26 on Good Friday 6th April
1st January 2012 Last sailing of the extended 2011 season
The paddle steamer operated a special New Year's day lunch cruise from Luzern on Sunday 1st January 2012
25th November 2011 Advent/Christmas sailings
Replaced her sister PS Uri as the sole paddle steamer in service over the Festive Period commencing with an evening Advent Cruise on Friday 25th November
7th May 2011 First sailings of the season
The paddle steamer returned to service following a major re-build and was the star of a special "return to service" parade with her four operational sisters on Saturday 7th May
28th January 2009 The paddle steamer having had her funnel removed earlier was winched into Luzern dry dock on Wednesday 28th January
Autumn 2008 Withdrawn at the end of the 2008 season for a major re-build
- hopefully to reappear in time for the start of the 2011 season
18th October 2008 Last charter sailing before withdrawal for a major re-build
The paddle steamer operated her final charter sailing on Saturday 18th October and is seen leaving Luzern for the final time
27th September 2008 Last public sailing of the season
The paddle steamer operated a special Farewell cruise on Saturday 27th September
21st September 2008 Last timetabled sailings of the season
The paddle steamer operated the Alpnachstad sailings 65-70-77-80 on Sunday 21st September
21st March 2008 First sailings of the season
The paddle steamer opened the SGV 2008 season and operated the 1125 Luzern to Flüelen and return sailings 13-26 on Good Friday 21st March
6th October 2007 Last sailings of the season
Unusually operated the Wilhelm Tell Express sailings 13-26 (1125 Luzern to Flüelen and return) vice her larger sister PS Stadt Luzern which had a private charter on Saturday 6th October
10th June 2007 Finally re-entered service on Sunday 10th June on the Alpnachstad route and operated all the advertised paddle steamer sailings to that destination except when she had a private charter
27th May 2007 First sailings of the season
The paddle steamer was planned to take over the Alpnachstad route and operate sailings 65-70-77-80 on Whit Sunday 27th May..........
    ..........but after just 10 minutes in service operating sailing 65 she broke down at Verkehrshaus-Lido pier - apparantly due to problems with the turbine of her generator - and had to be taken out of service for repairs
3rd December 2006 Last sailings of the extended season
Operated the first special Advent sailing of 2006 on Sunday 3rd December owing to PS Uri undertaking repairs to her upper deck
22nd October 2006 Last sailings of the main season
Operated sailings 7-18-23-24 (0920 and 1525 round trips from Luzern to Flüelen and Vitznau respectively) on Sunday 22nd October
21st August 2006 Took over the early morning Flüelen and teatime Vitznau sailings 7-18-23-24 from sister PS Uri commencing Monday 21st August for the remainder of the season
11th June 2006 Spent the main summer operating her regular sailings 65-70-77-80 (1015 and 1400 round trips from Luzern to Alpnachstad) from Sunday 11th June to Sunday 20th August
13th May 2006 Took part in the special parade by all five paddle steamers to mark the 100th Birthday of PS Schiller on Saturday 13th May - unusually starting from Hergiswil
9th April 2006 First sailings of the season
The paddle steamer opened the SGV season and operated sailings 13-26 on Sunday 9th April
25th September 2005 Last sailings of the season
Operated her regular sailings 65-70-77-80 (1025 and 1400 round trips from Luzern to Alpnachstad) on Sunday 25th September
12th July 2005 Operated an evening cruise from Beckenried depart 1945 and several other mid-lake resorts on Tuesday 12th July
25th March 2005 First sailings of the season
The paddle steamer opened the SGV season and operated sailings 13-26 on Good Friday 25th March
26th September 2004 Last sailings of the season
The paddle steamer operated her traditional two round trip sailings 65-70-77-80 to Alpnachstad from Luzern depart 1015 and 1400 on Sunday 26th September
27th July 2004 Operated an evening cruise from Beckenried depart 1940 and several other mid-lake resorts on Tuesday 27th July
6th June 2004 Exceptionally High Water Levels
The paddle steamer was unable to pass under the Acheregg road and railway bridge on Sunday 6th June and her sailings were terminated at Stansstad
Passengers continued their journeys on mv Flüelen
1st May 2004 First sailing of the season
The paddle steamer took part in the special Parade to mark the return to service of PS Gallia on Saturday 1st May
17th October 2003 Last sailings of the season
The paddle steamer operated the Wilhelm Tell Express sailings 13-26 vice PS Stadt Luzern on Friday 17th October
27th April 2003 Swiss Navigation Day
The paddle steamer unusually operated two round trips from Luzern to Stansstad departing at 1125 and 1400 on Sunday 27th April instead of the regular motor vessel
6th April 2003 First sailings of the season
The paddle steamer opened the season and operated sailings 7-18-21-24 (0915 and 1520 from Luzern) on Sunday 6th April
27th October 2002
Last sailings of the season
Operated sailings 153-154-77-80-78 (1020 'breakfast' cruise to Küssnacht am Rigi followed by the 1400 'afternooon' cruise to Alpnachstad on Sunday 27th October instead of a motor vessel
The Lake was quite rough for the final sailing into Luzern
21st September 2002 Nidwaldner Transport Exhibition
Was the main SGV exhibit at Stansstad on Saturday 21st September along with vatious other "transport" items on show at both the LSE Railway Station and the SGV Pier
The 100 year old paddle steamer was open for inspection by the public at Stansstad pier from 1123 to 1621, with guided tours at 1200, 1300, 1400 and 1500
A special fare of just Swiss Francs 5 per person was advertised by the SGV for sailings under the Acheregg road and railway bridge at 1010 and 1621 to and from Alpnachstad
21st June 2002 Bouchs Festival - 100 years of PS Unterwalden
Operated a combined extended sailing 27 and evening festival cruise from Luzern (depart 1815) on Friday 21st June
- in addition there were two short free cruises from Bouchs at 2000 and 2100
15th May 2002
100 years old today!
The paddle steamer celebrated her centuary of service on Wednesday 15th May by operating sailings 7-18 (0915 Luzern to Flüelen and 1200 return) followed by a special evening cruise from Luzern (depart 1800) to Alpnachstad
2nd May 2002 Operated an evening Steam and Dream Cruise on Thursday 2nd May
28th April 2002 Swiss Navigation Day
Operated sailings 59-66-17-28 from Luzern (depart 0916 to Stansstad and 1315 to Flüelen) on Sunday 28th April
14th April 2002
First sailings of the season
Operated sailings 7-18-21-24 (0915 and 1520 Luzern to Flüelen and Vitznau respectively) on Sunday 14th April
28th October 2001 Last public sailings of the season
Operated sailings 59-68-73-78 (0916 and 1300 Luzern to Alpnachstad and return) on Sunday 28th October instead of a motor vessel
27th October 2001 Operated sailings 13-26 (1120 'Wilhelm Tell Express' Luzern to Flüelen and 1505 return) on Saturday 27th October instead of PS Stadt Luzern
18th October 2001 Operated the 'lunch cruise' to Vitznau followed by a rare autumn mid-week round trip to Alphachstad on Thursday 18th October instead of a motor vessel
1st August 2001 Operated a special morning cruise from Luzern at 0930 in connection with the visit of Airship zeppelin on Swiss National Day
6th July 2001 First evening music cruise sailing 105 of the season on Friday 6th July
1st April 2001 First sailings of the season
Operated sailings 17-26 (1315 Luzern to Flüelen and
1558 return) on Sunday 1st April instead of a motor vessel
24th October 2000 Last sailings of the season
Two unusual autumn round trip sailings 65-70-77-80 to Alphachstad on Tuesday 24th October instead of a motor vessel
1st September 2000 Operated two round trip sailings 59-68-73-78 to Alphachstad on Friday 1st September instead of a motor vessel
30th August 2000 Operated the 'long' Wednesday only evening cruise sailings 27-104 (1815 from Luzern) after the normal sailings 65-70-77-80 on Wednesday 30th August instead of one of the larger motor vessels
27th August 2000 Operated sailings 7-18-21-24 on Sunday 27th August instead of PS Uri
26th August 2000 Operated the early Alpnachstad sailings 65-70 (Luzern depart 0916) on Saturday 26th August instead of the usual 1015 and 1400 departures
12th August 2000 Luzern Annual Fireworks
On Saturday 12th August operated an evening fireworks cruise from Luzern
1st August 2000 Swiss National Day
Annual evening Eight Ship Parade including all five paddle steamers from Luzern to Brunnen bay for the spectacular fireworks display on Tuesday 1st August
23rd July 2000 Operated sailings 153-154-17-28 on Sunday 23rd July instead of PS Schiller which had been temporarily withdrawn from service following damage
3rd June 2000 Operated sailings 7-18-21-24 on Saturday 3rd June instead of PS Uri
14th May 2000 Operated sailings 17-28 on Swiss Mothers Day instead of PS Schiller
15th April 2000 Return to service of PS Schiller after major rebuild
First public sailing of 2000 on Saturday 15th April - Steamer Parade
30th April 1994 Return to service of PS Uri after major rebuild
First public sailing of 1994 on Saturday 30th April - Steamer Parade

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda 21st May 2021 (revised)   e-mail   (c)1999-2021 John B Bird